Pre-Conference Short Course - Glasgow, uk
Co-creating personalised treatment plan, how to live your best life
Facilitator: Steve Jones (UK)
Moderators: Katie Smith (UK), Dagmar Brocke (NL), Joke Snick (NL), Yvonne Prins (NL)
“Special CF Lunchtime Series” 2023-2024
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group are happy to announce the next webinar as part of the “Special CF Lunchtime Series”
that will be held on Wednesday 17 April 2024
at 12:00-13:00 CET / 11:00-12:00 UK time
- Ethical Issues in CF Care: CFTR modulator
Free Registration
Past Webinars
- Challenges in the clinic in the era of CFTTR modulator therapy:
Educational and informational insights - CFSPID: Don’t we all want to know more about it
All webinars are available on the ECFS Education Platform.
Pre-Conference Short Course - Vienna, AUsTRIA
Psychodynamic aspects in chronic, medical illness
Facilitator: Maya Kirszenbaum
Moderators: Ulrike Smrekar, Innsbruck, AT; Pavla Hodkova, Prague, CZ; Sue Braun, Brussels, BE; Urszula Borawska – Kowalczyk, Warsaw, PL
European Psychosocial Special Interest Group Meeting - Vienna, Austria
ECFS Mental Health Working Group Meeting, Vienna, austria
“Special CF Lunchtime Series” 2022-2023
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group are happy to announce the next webinar as part of the “Special CF Lunchtime Series”
that will be held on Wednesday 19 April 2023
at 12:00-13:00 CET / 11:00-12:00 UK time
- Modulators and psychosocial effects
Free Registration
Past webinars (available on the ECFS education platform):
- 25 January 2023
Psychiatric comorbidities and cystic fibrosis:
what teams need to know to care patients with extra needs - 16 November 2022
Sleep and Cystic Fibrosis
Pre-Conference SHORT COURSE - Rotterdam, the netherlands
Discussing sex and intimacy with patients with CF is not 'opening a box of Pandora',
but 're-opening a box of pleasure!'
Facilitator: Paul Enzlin, Leuven, BE
Moderators: Urszula Borawska – Kowalczyk, Warsaw, PL; Eddie Landau, Tel Aviv, IL; Angelique Tijtgat, Brussels, BE; Dagmar Brocke, Utrecht, NL; Annet Bongen, Utrecht, NL; Sejal Patel, Glasgow, UK
09:00 – 10:30 Sexuality and CF: A life time perspective.
10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 – 12:30 Sexuality and CF: The broader perspective.
12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 15:00 Sexuality and CF: What can you do?
15:00 – 15:30 COFFEE BREAK
15:30 – 17:00 Sexuality and CF: What do you have to do?
Course jointly organised by the ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group
and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
“Special CF Lunchtime Series” 2021-2022
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group are happy to announce the next webinar as part of the “Special CF Lunchtime Series”
that will be held on Wednesday 27 April 2022 at 12:00-13:00 CET / 11:00-12:00 UK time
- Trauma and Cystic Fibrosis
- Welcome. Eddie Landau (IL)
- Trauma in chronic illness. Erik de Soir (BE)
- Trauma in CF: patient testimony. Tré LaRosa (US)
- EMDR Treatment of trauma. Annette Katscher-Peitz (GE)
- Trauma in CF: experiences from the clinic. Trudy Havermans (BE)
- Discussion, future challenges.
Free Registration
Past webinars (available on the ECFS education platform):
27 October 2021 - A basic introduction for allied health professionals into CFTR modulator treatments
15 December 2021 - Pain in cystic fibrosis
23 February 2022 - Past, present and future psychosocial care in CF
44th European Cystic Fibosis Conference - 9-12 June 2021 #ECFS2021
During the ECFS Digital Conference, several sessions in the scientific programme covered topics related to mental health.
They willbe uploadedon the ECFS Education platform and will be available for all ECFS members.
- Course – Power Threat Meaning Framework - available on the ECFS Education platform
- ECFS Tomorrow Session – The changing ways of working and the impact on the CF MDT
- European Pyschosocial Interest Group (EPSIG): Different perspectives on resilience
- Symposium 8 – Cystic fibrosis in a changing world
- Workshop 11 - Anxiety and stress in cystic fibrosis through a challenging 2020 and novel interventions.
- Symposium 12 - Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and self-management.
- ECFS Tomorrow Session – Mental health treatment throughout the ages: Art, existential and psychodynamic therapies.
- Meet the Experts 2 - The psychological impact of CFTR modulators.
- Workshop 14 - Innovative nursing and psychosocial treatment delivery developed during COVID-19 restrictions.
Course: Power Threat Meaning Framework
This course is an introduction to the Power Threat Meaning Framework (2018), a non-diagnostic approach to conceptualising distress in all of us developed by psychologists and experts by experience.
It will focus on the implications of the framework for responding to psychological distress in the context of physical healthcare, with opportunities to practice applying it to CF case examples.
Facilitator: Dr Samantha Cole - Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Deputy Head of Psychological Health Services at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
Course jointly organised by the ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group
and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
Kindly note that the registration to the Power threat meaning Framework Course (Tuesday 8 June) is now closed. The course is fully subscribed.
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
will organise a webinar as part of the new “A Special CF Lunchtime Series”:
The session will take place on line on Thursday 20 May 2021 - 13:00-14:00 CET
New challenges in CF care: Physiotherapist and pharmacist joining forces
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group organised a webinar as part of the new “A Special CF Lunchtime Series” on 22 April 2021
How Covid-19 changed the clinic: learning as we move along in uncertain times
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
organised a webinar as part of the new “A Special CF Lunchtime Series” on 18 March 2021.
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
organised a webinar as part of the new “A Special CF Lunchtime Series”:
on 18 February 2021
The ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
organised a webinar as part of the new “A Special CF Lunchtime Series”: on 10 December 2020.
Aim of the course:
After completing this webinar, participants will:
1. have an overview of transition research, the importance of transition and typical obstacles to overcome in clinical practice.
2. have learnt (an overview of) the important elements in a transition program that will support patient and team to optimize transitioning to adult care. Results of an international survey
3. be aware of the challenges in preparing young adult patients for transfer to an adult clinic, deprived of specialized CF care.
Target audience:
All members of the multi-disciplinary team including doctors, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers etc.
Chair: Eddie Landau (IL) - Biography
Facilitators: Trudy Havermans (BE), Su Madge (UK), Urszula Borawska - Kowalczyk (PL) - Biography
Practical therapeutic modalities to manage anxiety, depression, sleep and pain in routine CF care
Special webinar for any member of the CF team organised by
the ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
The session took place on-line on 22 September 2020 and the first presentation is available on line.
Aim of the course:
An introduction in the use of two therapy modalities in supporting people with CF to manage anxiety, depression, sleep and pain.
The therapy modalities are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (as recommended by the Mental Health Guidelines) and Systemic and Family focused Therapy.
After completing this webinar, participants will:
• Be able to describe the clinical features of anxiety, depression, sleep and pain
• Have learned a general CBT and Systemic and Family focused Therapy framework that can be used in clinical practice
• Understand basic interventions for anxiety, depression, sleep and pain, based on cases from clinical practice
Target audience:
All members of the multi-disciplinary team including doctors, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers etc.
Faciliators: Johanna Gardecki (DE) and Lore Willem (BE) - Biograpghy
Moderator: Eddie Landau (IL) - Biography
We are looking for representatives!
The Mental Health Working group is a closed group, currently represented by 11 European Countries.
We are looking for representatives from other countries to join the core committee, please contact us.
News in your country
Interested to know more about the Mental Health screening and Care activities in you country?
Mental Health Survey for people with CF and their caregivers
Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey.
Janice Abbott - Mental Health Care Award
Congratulations to Prof. Janice Abbott who received The Carolyn and C. Richard Mattingly Leadership in Mental Health Care Awardat the NACFC2019 in Nashville.
Photo: Left: Al Faro (Senior Director of Clinical Affairs) presented the award to Prof.Abbott; Right: Richard Mattingly (the award is named in honour of Richard, former Chief Operating Officer of the CF Foundation, and his late wife, Carolyn).
Mental Health Working Group
Annual General Meeting
Liverpool 07June 2019
Trudy Havermans and Janice Abbott ended their terms as coordinators of the Mental Health Working Group
Picture taken at the ECFS Annual General meeting in Liverpool with the ECFS President Isabelle Fajac