Power Threat Meaning Framework
This course is an introduction to the Power Threat Meaning Framework (2018), a non-diagnostic approach to conceptualising distress in all of us developed by psychologists and experts by experience. It will focus on the implications of the framework for responding to psychological distress in the context of physical healthcare, with opportunities to practice applying it to CF case examples.
Facilitator: Dr Samantha Cole - Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Deputy Head of Psychological Health Services at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
8 June 2021, 13:00-16:00 CET
Kindly note that the registration to the Power threat meaning Framework Course (Tuesday 8 June) is NOW closed. The course is fully subscribed.
Course jointly organised by the ECFS Psychosocial Special Interest Group
and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group
and the ECFS Mental Health Working Group