Aims and objectives
This website aims to help promote excellence in Mental Health research across the European CF Community.
On this site, you will find:
• easy access to resources
• a "toolkit" to facilitate implementation of annual MH screening in many European languages
• the latest news on the topic
• opportunities for training (e.g. at ECFS annual conference)
A study in nine countries (the TIDES study) showed that depression and especially anxiety were elevated in patients with CF and in parents of children with CF. Elevations were two to three times those reported in community samples. People with untreated depression, anxiety or both:• May be less likely to manage their treatment plans effectively.
• Tend to have worse lung function.
• May have a lower body mass index (BMI).
• Often experience more hospitalizations.
• May experience a lower quality of life.
From a survey of 1454 CF health professionals it is known that Mental health care delivery in CF is inadequate and highly variable across care centres and countries. Insufficient resources and a lack of standardisation, training and competency generated barriers to mental health provision.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in collaboration with the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, developed guidelines for screening and treating depression and anxiety. These guidelines provide recommendations for prevention, screening, clinical assessment, and psychological and/or pharmacological interventions