Updated on 19 December 2024
Executive Committee:
Voting Members:
Egil Bakkeheim, Norway
Director ECFSPR
Laura Kirwan, Ireland
Uroš Krivec, Slovenia
Lutz Naehrlich, Germany
Pharmacovigilance Study Manager
Kerry Laidlaw, United Kingdom
Patient Representative
Domenique Zomer, The Netherlands
Non-Voting Members:
Christine Dubois, ECFS Executive Director
Lieven Dupont, ECFS-CTN representative
Jacqui van Rens, ECFSPR Executive Coordinator
Steering Group
Steering Group Country Representatives
Country | Official Representative | Title | |
Albania | Irena Kasmi | Single centre representative | irenakasmi@hotmail.com |
Armenia | Satenik Harutyunyan | Single centre representative | mycfmail1973@gmail.com |
Austria | Andreas Pfleger | National coordinator | andreas.pfleger@medunigraz.at |
Belarus | Svetlana Keegan | Single centre representative | sveta-lsv@mail.ru |
Belgium | Géraldine Daneau | National registry representative | geraldine.daneau@sciensano.be |
Bulgaria | Guergana Petrova | Single centre representative | Gal_ps@yahoo.co.uk |
Croatia | Duška Tješić-Drinković | Single centre representative | duska.tjesic-drinkovic@zg.htnet.hr |
Cyprus | Panayiotis Yiallouros | Single centre representative | yiallouros.panayiotis@ucy.ac.cy |
Czech Republic | Pavel Drevinek | National registry representative | pavel.drevinek@Lfmotol.cuni.cz |
Denmark | Hanne Vebert Olesen | National registry representative | hannoles@rm.dk |
Estonia | Maire Vasar | Single centre representative | Maire.Vasar@kliinikum.ee |
Finland | Varpu Elenius | Single centre representative | varpu.elenius@tyks.fi |
France | Antoine Bessou | National registry representative | abessou@vaincrelamuco.org |
Georgia | Dodo Agladze | Single centre representative | doduna_agladze@yahoo.com |
Germany | Lutz Naehrlich | National registry representative | Lutz.Naehrlich@paediat.med.uni-giessen.de |
Greece | Elpis Hatziagorou | National registry representative | elpcon@otenet.gr |
Hungary | Andrea Párniczky | National registry representative | andrea.parniczky@gmail.com |
Iceland | Helga Elídóttir | Single centre representative | helgael@landspitali.is |
Ireland | Godfrey Fletcher | National registry representative | gfletcher@cfri.ie |
Israel | Meir Mei-Zahav | National registry representative | meir_zahav@clalit.org.il |
Italy | Fabio Mojo | National registry representative | fabio.majo@opbg.net |
Latvia | Elina Aleksejeva | Single centre representative | elina.aleksejeva@bkus.lv |
Lithuania | Kęstutis Malakauskas | Single centre representative | Kestutis.Malakauskas@lsmuni.lt |
Luxemburg | Anna-Maria Charatsi | Single centre representative | Charatsi.Anna-Maria@chl.lu |
Macedonia | Stojka Fustik Tatjana Jakjovska | Single centre representative | stojkaf@yahoo.com tatjana.jakjovska@medf.ukim.edu.mk |
Moldova | Cristina Tomacinschii | Single centre representative | cristinatomacinschii@gmail.com |
Montenegro | Tomo Plamenac | Single centre representative | tplamenac@gmail.com |
Netherlands | Domenique Zomer | National registry representative | d.zomer@ncfs.nl |
Norway | Anita Senstad Wathne | National registry representative | asenstad@gmail.com |
Poland | Lukasz Wozniacki | Single centre representative | lukasz.wozniacki@szpitaldziekanow.pl |
Portugal | Luisa Pereira | National registry representative | mluisafpereira@gmail.com |
Romania | Liviu Pop | Single centre representative | liviupop63@yahoo.com |
Russia | Elena Kondratyeva | National registry representative | elenafpk@mail.ru |
Serbia | Milan Rodic | Single centre representative | milan.rodic73@gmail.com |
Slovakia | Hana Kayserova | National registry representative | kayserov.hana@gmail.com |
Slovenia | Uroš Krivec | Single centre representative | uros.krivec@kclj.si |
Spain | Lola Pastor Vivero | National coordinator | mariadolores.pastorvivero@osakidetza.eus |
Sweden | Christina Krantz | National registry representative | christina.krantz@akademiska.se |
Switzerland | Andreas Jung | National coordinator | Andreas.Jung@kispi.uzh.ch |
Turkey | Deniz Dogru Ersöz | National registry representative | ddogru@hacettepe.edu.tr |
Ukraine | Halyna Makukh | Single centre representative | makukh_halyna@ukr.net |
United Kingdom | Sarah Clarke | National registry representative | Sarah.Clarke@cysticfibrosis.org.uk |
Additional Voting Member:
Kerry Laidlaw, Patient Representative
Non-Voting Members:
Bruce Marshall, CFF Representative
Lieven Dupont, CTN representative
Jacqui van Rens, ECFSPR Executive Coordinator
Arianna Adamoli, Simone Gambazza, Annalisa Orenti and Anna Zolin, Statistical Experts
Alice Fox, Marko Krasnyk and Silvia Lorca Trusted Third Party
Scientific Committee:
Pierre-Régis Burgel
Siobhán Carr
Anders Lindblad
Milan Macek
Elise Lammertyn, CF Europe Representative
Annalisa Orenti, Anna Zolin, Statistical Experts
Data Controller:
Ted André, Cranium