Palais Berg
Friday 09 June 2023, 21:00 – 2:00
Located in the heart of Vienna, Palais Berg initially hosted the Directorate of the State Railways in 1892. In 1983, its facade was rebuilt after the original plans, and the structure was totally redesigned to host a dynamic event and business centre. Palais Berg will open its doors to welcome you to the ECFS 2023 Get-together. Enjoy live music, chat with old and new acquaintances and later get yourself on the dance floor!
If you participated in the Get-Together in Rotterdam last year, you will for sure remember the memorable performance of a Dutch pop-rock/funk band called Banda Mista.
Good news: they are back and are looking forward to taking you on a renewed musical journey from the 60’s up to today.
Address: Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Vienna