The ECFS has partnered with the course ‘Managing the care of children and adults with cystic fibrosis’ held twice a year in London, UK or on-line, www.cfcourse.co.uk, to offer clinical placements to members of the CF multidisciplinary team. The course is held twice a year in March and September; the on-line course can be done at any time.
The course
This course aims to provide individuals with up to date, evidence-based information on both the paediatric and adult management of cystic fibrosis by a faculty of experts. The course is open to all members of both paediatric and adult CF team.
The aims of the course are to enhance the knowledge and skills of nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists and doctors who care for patients with cystic fibrosis and their families. Course content includes:
- The pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis.
- The genetics of cystic fibrosis and the issues surrounding newborn screening.
- The factors influencing the clinical management of patients with cystic fibrosis.
- The importance of nutrition and the part enteral feeding plays in the management of patients with cystic fibrosis.
- Issues surrounding sexuality, fertility and pregnancy.
- The rational behind the various airway clearance options.
- The issues surrounding infection and the use and action of antibiotics.
- The practical and psychological issues associated with lung transplantation.
- The management of terminal care and bereavement.
- The psychosocial effects of cystic fibrosis on the lives of patients with cystic fibrosis and their families.
- The issues of transition from paediatric to adult care
The placement
The clinical placement will typically be for two weeks in either the paediatric or adult centre at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK (additional CF Centres will be available at a later date). Clinical experience and formal teaching will be provided and will include:
- Attendance at daily clinical ward rounds, weekly multidisciplinary ward rounds and x3 CF outpatient clinics
- Trainees will spend time with each member of the CF multidisciplinary team learning about their role (clinical nurse specialist, specialist physiotherapist, specialist dietitian, specialist pharmacist and psychologist)
- Trainees will spend time with the CF research fellows learning about the current research being carried out in the centre
- Trainees will have a weekly teaching session with a senior member of the adult CF multidisciplinary team
- Trainees will attend the weekly divisional teaching session
Sponsorship includes free attendance at the course in London or participation in the on-line course, followed by a two week placement at the Royal Brompton Hospital (paediatric or adult departments). Travel and accommodation will be covered.
Who can apply?
- Applicant must be an active ECFS member
- Applicant must be working in a CF Centre/Laboratory
How to apply
The application form is available here.
All submissions will be acknowledged and will be allocated an ECFS Clinical Fellowship ID reference. Applications will be reviewed by the ECFS Grants Review Committee thus applying for a grant is not a guarantee of funding. The typical grant review timeline is 4 weeks. Formal notification of all decisions of the ECFS Grants Review Committee will be sent by email to Applicant.
The ECFS reserves the right to publish information about approved grants.
For any questions regarding the ECFS Grants, please email info@ecfs.eu or lizholder@CFcourse.co.uk