ECFS goes digital!

Join us for the first ECFS Digital 2020 Conference happening 24-25 September 2020. There will be eight live symposia, hot topic presentations and much more. ECFS Digital 2020 

Cancellation of the 43rd ECFS Conference in Lyon

Dear All,

We have very carefully monitored the rapidly evolving situation with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and very sadly, but convinced that this is the right decision, we announce that it is not possible to hold the ECFS Conference in Lyon, 3-6 June 2020. 
This hard decision has been made in the interest of the health, safety and well-being of all involved. Moreover, the French authorities have announced on April 13th that events of that size will still be banned in France in June. 
The ECFS Board discussed the possibility of switching the in-person conference to a virtual one. It was felt that the primary and most important focus of healthcare professionals in the coming months will be to care for patients.
We acknowledge the incredible amount of work put into planning this year’s conference, and we thank the Scientific Committee, Steering Committee, the faculty and abstract authors for the time and energy they devoted to prepare a successful conference. We take this opportunity to thank Isabelle Durieu and Isabelle Sermet-Gaudelus for their hard work preparing the conference respectively as conference president and conference vice-president.
We share everyone’s disappointment and apologise for the inconvenience this decision may cause. 
We are currently exploring options for providing selected elements of the conference content in a web-based format that would be available later this year. But this will clearly depend on how the public health crisis evolves and we will keep you informed as soon as possible.
Delegates will be contacted over the next few weeks regarding their registration.


Isabelle Fajac, ECFS President on behalf of the ECFS Board

Dear All,

After enthusiastic efforts put in the organization of the next ECFS Conference, we were very much looking forward to welcoming you in Lyon in a few weeks. It is a tremendous disappointment for all of us, local committee, that the 43rd European Cystic Fibrosis Conference cannot be held in Lyon, 3-6 June 2020. 
However, probably like most of you, we are ourselves facing the coronavirus pandemic with the influx of many patients in our care departments and the priority is to take care of them. 
Fortunately, to date, few patients with CF seem to be affected.  We very much hope that the CF community, patients and their family, and caregivers will not pay a too heavy toll. Your health and safety are of the greatest priority to us. You have a vital role to play throughout the year but especially now, during the spread of the coronavirus.
We hope to be able to welcome you as soon as possible after this incredible test that the world is going through.

Looking forward to meeting you all together and relieved,

Isabelle Durieu
43rd European CF Conference President