For the latest news on the ECFS activities, and current references in cystic fibrosis
Letter from the President |
European Cystic Fibrosis Society
Kastanieparken 7, 7470 Karup, Denmark Tel: +45 86 676260 Fax: +45 86 676290 Email: Website: |
ECFS Award – call for nominations | |
ECFS Board Elections – call for nominations | |
New Initiatives 2014 | |
ECORN-CF – 2013 Update | |
Upcoming Events | |
Current References in CF |
Dear Friends, 2013 was another very busy year for the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, with not only the Basic Science Conference in Malaga and the Annual conference in Lisbon, but a number of special projects and Working Group meetings were held with some selected updates given below. One event not previously reported on was the ECFS Board’s strategy meeting held in November, where a critical review was undertaken on our priorities for the next few years and how we are to achieve the goals set. Our new mission statement reflects these goals: The ECFS is an international community of scientific and clinical professionals committed to improving survival and quality of life for people with CF by promoting high quality research, education and care. |
Later in this Newsletter you will see some new initiatives introduced for 2014 which comprise new sessions for the annual conference, ECFS Short-Term Fellowships, and a new method for membership renewal. There will be Board elections in 2014 as Su Madge and Benny Assael will be stepping down. I would like to encourage you all to consider your own nomination or to nominate an ECFS member you believe would benefit the ECFS community by being actively engaged in the Board. Please consider how important these elections are for the future of the Society. Further information about the elections is included later in the Newsletter. Planning for the 2014 conferences is well underway with programmes and registration information available on the ECFS website. I would like to thank all those who have submitted abstracts towards these events, and also to the invited speakers who have accepted to contribute presentations. We have excellent programmes planned and we look forward to your participation. |
In December 2013, the ECFS issued a Bulletin to the membership with a link to the core content of the 2013 conference held in Lisbon with special video reports, including interviews with international experts and slides with comments. We hope you may have found this both educational and enjoyable, but also perhaps an incentive to join us in Gothenburg in June 2014. The link is also available under your “MY ECFS” tab on the ECFS website (applies to current members).
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis We are delighted to welcome Scott Bell as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (JCF). Scott, as many of you will know, is based at The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane, and took over the helm of the JCF on 1 December 2013. Scott is being supported by Dominik Hartl as Deputy Editor.
Our thanks go to Harry Heijerman for taking on the editorship of the Journal since the untimely death of Gerd Döring last summer.
Scott Bell |
Standards of Care: The special project group set up to review the original 2005 paper will be publishing their report covering Best Practice, Centre Framework and Quality Monitoring in 2014 in a supplement to the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. There will be a dedicated symposium at the Gothenburg conference in June. ERS/ECFS Joint Task Force: Following the preparatory meetings on the provision of care for adults with CF in Europe – a consensus meeting will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 26 February 2014. Joint CFF/ECFS Mental Health Guidelines. Following the initial meeting of the joint group in May 2013, a survey has been undertaken to collate data from both US and European centres and a consensus meeting is to be held 11-12 April 2014. ECFS Book: The 2nd Edition of the ECFS book has been initiated with the title of “Ageing with CF”. We hope to be able to send the book to our members during 2014. We have a lot to do over the coming months and I hope you will join us for some of these activities. My thanks, as always, to Dr. Henry Ryley for compiling the current references in Cystic Fibrosis contained at the end of this Newsletter. Please contact us if you have news items you would like to have included in future Newsletters or published on our website. Yours sincerely, |
2. ECFS Award – Call for Nominations
The ECFS Award is given annually to honour a person who has made an outstanding contribution to our basic understanding of cystic fibrosis or to the treatment or care of patients with cystic fibrosis. The winner of the award will be invited to present a lecture at the Opening Plenary on 11 June 2014 of the annual conference in Gothenburg. You are cordially invited to nominate a candidate for this award. The deadline for proposals is 15 February 2014. Please mail your proposal, accompanied by a detailed motivation and curriculum vitae of the candidate to the ECFS Executive Director Christine Dubois ( |
3. ECFS Board Elections – Call for Nominations
The ECFS cordially invites nominations for the following Board positions: Nominations should be sent to the ECFS Executive Director Christine Dubois ( by 4 March 2014 together with a motivational statement, confirmation that the candidate has agreed to the nomination, and a curriculum vitae. All nominated candidates must be current members of the ECFS. Information about the nominated candidates will be sent to the membership in April for an online vote prior to the Annual General Meeting in June where the results will be announced. |
4. New initiatives for 2014
Annual Conference: Two new sessions have been introduced for the Gothenburg conference that we hope will generate much interest. - Breakfast sessions on the Thursday and Friday: “Meet the Experts”. These are small interactive sessions led by experts to stimulate discussion, answer questions and offer advice. The format encourages a more personal approach to learning.
- Interactive Case Studies session on the Friday using audience response system technology. This feature will allow the audience to answer questions asked by the presenter during the talk. Each interactive case presents an evolving patient history and a series of questions designed to test the diagnostic and/or therapeutic skills of the audience. The audience will receive immediate feedback on the answers and treatment choices, along with the opportunity to compare their final score with their peers. A panel of experts in the field will facilitate the discussion and foster exchange of information or discuss treatment possibilities based on their expertise and knowledge of the latest scientific publications.
Further details about both sessions can be found on the conference website. |
ECFS Short-Term Fellowships: The ECFS is happy to announce the introduction of Short-Term Fellowships for young researchers (under the age of 35). The grants, up to 750 Euro, are specifically for travel/accommodation support to visit a CF Centre or CF laboratory in Europe to learn a specific technique. Further information can be found on the ECFS website at Membership: In addition to the regular methods of renewing membership subscriptions, it is now possible for prior members of the Society to renew their membership in conjunction with registration to the annual conference. Previously it was only possible to combine the registration with NEW membership – so we hope this new facility will be of interest to members who prefer to complete both procedures in one action. The ECFS Office will happily help with any membership enquiries.
5. ECORN-CF – 2013 Update
The main aim is to build a model of a "European Centres of Reference Network for Cystic Fibrosis" (ECORN-CF). Patients, doctors, as well as other care team members should have easy access to expert knowledge and advice for cystic fibrosis.
ECORN-CF was originally a pilot project that was co-funded by the EU for three years until 2010. For the last three years (2011–2013), the day-to-day management of the several local expert advice forums and the quality control necessary for the quality-assured central English archive of ECORN-CF has been enabled with the infrastructure support of several partners from different countries (Mukoviszidose e.V., Christiane Herzog Stiftung, ECFS, CFE, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose, Association Belge de Lutte contre la Mucoviscidose)
437 questions have been asked in the seven expert advice forums from Jan 1 until Dec 12, 2013 (some of them are still in the answering process). Most questions were asked in French (164), followed by German (141), English (53), Greek (24), Dutch (23), Romanian (18) and Lithuanian (14).
Compared to the reference period of last years’ reports (reference period was Jan 1 - Nov 1), there is a decrease of questions.
In 2011, a total number of 445 questions had been asked from Jan 1 - Nov 1 (10 languages) Question & answer pairs (QA pairs) sent to the central English archive and published after quality check: 423 QA pairs being of cross-national relevance were translated from the respective language teams into English and sent to the central English archive for quality check via the system from Jan 1 until Dec 12, 2013. Only if the answer is in accordance with European consensus statements, guidelines and – in the absence of these – consented local and foreign expert opinion, the QA pair is published in the English central archive. If the answer is only satisfactory or with flaws, the English answer is amended and a feedback loop ensures that the answer in the original language is also updated in the local expert advice. Thanks to this input experts have been able to expand their knowledge.
Utilization of synergies: The proof editor taking care of the English archive receives the English versions of all language platforms. Sometimes, team A gives a very extensive answer about a topic that team B answered before but not as extensively. By additional comments in the data record, the two answers can be related to each other. If there are new aspects, then the original language team is also asked to write an amendment in the original language data record.
6. Upcoming Events
- ECFS Diagnostic Network Working Group Meeting - 13-15 February, Berlin, Germany - ECFS 11th Basic Science Conference - 26-29 March 2014 - Malta - ECFS Board Meeting - 10 June 2014 – Gothenburg, Sweden - 37th European CF Conference - 11-14 June 2014 – Gothenburg, Sweden |
7. Current References in Cystic Fibrosis
Adults & Adolescents
Ball R, Southern KW, McCormack P, Duff AJA, Brownlee KG, McNamara PS
Adherence to nebulised therapies in adolescents with cystic fibrosis is best on week-days during school term-time
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 440 - 444
Jones AM
Adults with Cystic Fibrosis Should be Treated at a Specialist Centre
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2013; 14:Supl1: 13 - 15
Kopp BT, Hayes D, Ratkiewicz M, Baron N, Splaingard M
Light exposure and depression in hospitalized adult patients with cystic fibrosis
Journal of Affective Disorders 2013; 150: 585 - 589
Kreindler James L., Miller Victoria A.
Cystic fibrosis: addressing the transition from pediatric to adult-oriented health care
Patient Preference and Adherence 2013; 6: 2121 - 2128
Landaburu I, Gonzalvo MC, Clavero A, Ramirez JP, Yoldi A, Mozas J, Zamora S, Martinez L, Castilla JA
Genetic testing of sperm donors for cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy: evaluation of clinical utility
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2013; 170: 183 - 187
McIntyre K
Gender and survival in cystic fibrosis
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2013; 19: 692 - 697
Nazareth D, Walshaw M
Coming of age in cystic fibrosis - transition from paediatric to adult care
Clinical Medicine 2013; 13: 482 - 486
Simmonds NJ
Ageing in Cystic Fibrosis and Long-term Survival
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2013; 14:Supl1: 6 - 9
Verbanck S, Paiva M, Paeps E, Schuermans D, Malfroot A, Vincken W, Vanderhelst E
Lung clearance index in adult cystic fibrosis patients: the role of convection-dependent lung units
European Respiratory Journal 2013; 42: 380 - 388
Zhang ZM, Lindstrom MJ, Lai HCJ
Pubertal Height Velocity and Associations with Prepubertal and Adult Heights in Cystic Fibrosis
Journal of Pediatrics 2013; 163: 376 -
Animal Model
Dhooghe B, Noel S, Bouzin C, Behets-Wydemans G, Leal T
Correction of Chloride Transport and Mislocalization of CFTR Protein by Vardenafil in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Cystic Fibrosis Mice
Plos One 2013; 8: 10:e77314
Sellers ZM, Kovacs A, Weinheimer CJ, Best PM
Left ventricular and aortic dysfunction in cystic fibrosis mice
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 517 - 524
Stalvey MS., Clines KL., Havasi V, McKibbin CR., Dunn L K., Chung W. Joon, C
Osteoblast CFTR Inactivation Reduces Differentiation and Osteoprotegerin Expression in a Mouse Model of Cystic Fibrosis-Related Bone Disease
Plos One 2013; 8:11.e80098
Teague W. Gerald
Trouble from the Start: Airway Structural Anomalies Present at Birth in the Cystic Fibrosis Piglet
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2013; 188: 1434 - 1441
Biswas S, Dubus JC, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Stremler N, Rolain JM
Evaluation of colistin susceptibility in multidrug-resistant clinical isolates from cystic fibrosis, France
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2013; 32: 1461 - 1464
Blackledge MS, Worthington RJ, Melander C
Biologically inspired strategies for combating bacterial biofilms
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2013; 13: 699 - 706
Hirt H, Gorr SU
Antimicrobial Peptide GL13K Is Effective in Reducing Biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2013; 57: 4903 - 4910
Hurley MN, Forrester DL, Smyth AR
Antibiotic adjuvant therapy for pulmonary infection in cystic fibrosis
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; 49: 49 - 56
Knapp L., Rushton L., Stapleton H., Sass A., Stewart S., Amezquita A., McClure P., Mahenthiralingam E., Maillard J. -Y.
The effect of cationic microbicide exposure against Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc); the use of Burkholderia lata strain 383 as a model bacterium
Journal of Applied Microbiology 2013; 7: 888 - 891
Mayer-Hamblett N, Saiman L, Lands LC, Anstead M, Rosenfeld M, Kloster M, Fisher L, Ratjen F
Impact of acute antibiotic therapy on the pulmonary exacerbation endpoint in cystic fibrosis clinical trials
Contemporary Clinical Trials 2013; 36: 99 - 105
McCaughey G, Diamond P, Elborn JS, McKevitt M, Tunney MM
Resistance Development of Cystic Fibrosis Respiratory Pathogens When Exposed to Fosfomycin and Tobramycin Alone and in Combination under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions
Plos One 2013; 8: 7:e69763
Murugan K., Sangeetha S., Kalyanasundaram V. B., Al-Sohaibani Saleh
In vitro and in silico screening for Andrographis paniculata quorum sensing mimics: new therapeutic leads for cystic fibrosis Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
Plant Omics 2013; 9: 1431 - 1434
Ong HX, Traini D, Salama R, Anderson SD, Daviskas E, Young PM
The Effects of Mannitol on the Transport of Ciprofloxacin across Respiratory Epithelia
Molecular Pharmaceutics 2013; 10: 2915 - 2924
Pessi G, Braunwalder R, Grunau A, Omasits U, Ahrens CH, Eberl L
Response of Burkholderia cenocepacia H111 to Micro-Oxia
Plos One 2013; 8: 9:e72939
Stass H, Weimann B, Nagelschmitz J, Rolinck-Werninghaus C, Staab D
Tolerability and Pharmacokinetic Properties of Ciprofloxacin Dry Powder for Inhalation in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis: A Phase I,Randomized, Dose-Escalation Study
Clinical Therapeutics 2013; 35: 1571 - 1581
Tazi A, Chapron J, Touak G, Longo M, Hubert D, Collobert G, Dusser D, Poyart C, Morand PC
Rapid Emergence of Resistance to Linezolid and Mutator Phenotypes in Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from an Adult Cystic Fibrosis Patient
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2013; 57: 5186 - 5188
Young DC, Zobell JT, Stockmann C, Waters CD, Ampofo K, Sherwin CMT, Spigarelli MG
Optimization of Anti-Pseudomonal Antibiotics for Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Exacerbations: V. Aminoglycosides
Pediatric Pulmonology 2013; 48: 1047 - 1061
Tonelli AR
Pulmonary hypertension survival effects and treatment options in cystic fibrosis
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2013; 19: 652 - 661
Cell Biology
Almaca J, Faria D, Sousa M, Uliyakina I, Conrad C, Sirianant L, Clarke LA, Martins JP, Santos M, Heriche JK, Huber W,
High-Content siRNA Screen Reveals Global ENaC Regulators and Potential Cystic Fibrosis Therapy Targets
Cell 2013; 154: 1390 - 1400
Buchanan PJ, McNally P, Harvey BJ, Urbach V
Lipoxin A(4)-mediated K-ATP potassium channel activation results in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial repair
American Journal of Physiology-lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2013; 305: L193 - L201
Gianotti A, Melani R, Caci E, Sondo E, Ravazzolo R, Galietta LJV, Zegarra-Moran O
Epithelial Sodium Channel Silencing as a Strategy to Correct the Airway Surface Fluid Deficit in Cystic Fibrosis
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2013; 49: 445 - 452
Hobbs CA, Tan CD, Tarran R
Does epithelial sodium channel hyperactivity contribute to cystic fibrosis lung disease?
Journal of Physiology-london 2013; 591: 4377 - 4387
Rymut SM, Harker A, Corey DA, Burgess JD, Sun HT, Clancy JP, Kelley TJ
Reduced microtubule acetylation in cystic fibrosis epithelial cells
American Journal of Physiology-lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2013; 305: L419 - L431
Varelogianni G, Hussain R, Strid H, Oliynyk I, Roomans GM, Johannesson M
The effect of ambroxol on chloride transport, CFTR and ENaC in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells
Cell Biology International 2013; 37: 1149 - 1156
Billet A, Hanrahan JW
The secret life of CFTR as a calcium-activated chloride channel
Journal of Physiology-london 2013; 591: 5273 - 5278
Cai ZW, Li HY, Chen JH, Sheppard DN
Acute inhibition of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel by thyroid hormones involves multiple mechanisms
American Journal of Physiology-cell Physiology 2013; 305: C817 - C828
Cesaro L, Marin O, Venerando A, Donella-Deane.A, Pinna L A.
Phosphorylation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) serine-511 by the combined action of tyrosine kinases and CK2: the implication of tyrosine-512 and phenylalanine-508
Amino Acids 2013; 45: 1423 - 1429
Cheng J, Guggino W
Ubiquitination and Degradation of CFTR by the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase MARCH2 through Its Association with Adaptor Proteins CAL and STX6
Plos One 2013; 8: 6:e68001
Compain P, Decroocq C, Joosten A, de Sousa J, Rodriguez-Lucena D, Butters TD, Bertrand J, Clement R, Boinot C, Becq F,
Rescue of Functional CFTR Channels in Cystic Fibrosis: A Dramatic Multivalent Effect Using Iminosugar Cluster-Based Correctors
Chembiochem 2013; 14: 2050 - 2058
Conger BT, Zhang SY, Skinner D, Hicks SB, Sorscher EJ, Rowe SM, Woodworth BA
Comparison of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) and Ciliary Beat Frequency Activation by the CFTR Modulators Genistein, VRT-532, and UCCF-152 in Primary Sinonasal Epithelial Cultures
Jama Otolaryngology-head & Neck Surgery 2013; 139: 822 - 827
Conner GE, Ivonnet P, Gelin M, Whitney P, Salathe M
H2O2 Stimulates Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator through an Autocrine Prostaglandin Pathway, Using Multidrug-Resistant Protein-4
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2013; 49: 672 - 679
Dawson JE, Farber PJ, Forman-Kay JD
Allosteric Coupling between the Intracellular Coupling Helix 4 and Regulatory Sites of the First Nucleotide-binding Domain of CFTR
Plos One 2013; 8: 9:e74347
Farinha CM, King-Underwood J, Sousa M, Correia AR, Henriques BJ, Roxo-Rosa M, Da Paula AC, Williams J, Hirst S, Gomes
Revertants, Low Temperature, and Correctors Reveal the Mechanism of F508del-CFTR Rescue by VX-809 and Suggest Multiple Agents for Full Correction
Chemistry & Biology 2013; 20: 943 - 955
Gholami K, Muniandy S, Salleh N
In-Vivo Functional Study on the Involvement of CFTR, SLC26A6, NHE-1 and CA Isoenzymes II and XII in Uterine Fluid pH, Volume and Electrolyte Regulation in Rats under Different Sex-Steroid Influence
International Journal of Medical Sciences 2013; 10: 1121 - 1134
Jakab RL, Collaco AM, Ameen NA
Characterization of CFTR High Expresser cells in the intestine
American Journal of Physiology-gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2013; 305: G453 - G465
Kim S, Beyer BA, Lewis C, Nadel JA
Normal CFTR Inhibits Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Dependent Pro-Inflammatory Chemokine Production in Human Airway Epithelial Cells
Plos One 2013; 8: 8:e72981
LeSimple P, Goepp J, Palmer ML, Fahrenkrug SC, O'Grady SM, Ferraro P, Robert R, Hanrahan JW
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Is Expressed in Mucin Granules from Calu-3 and Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cells
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2013; 49: 511 - 516
Loo TW, Bartlett MC, Clarke DM
Bithiazole Correctors Rescue CFTR Mutants by Two Different Mechanisms
Biochemistry 2013; 52: 5161 - 5163
Maitra R, Sivashanmugam P, Warner K
A Rapid Membrane Potential Assay to Monitor CFTR Function and Inhibition
Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2013; 18: 1132 - 1137
Martin C, Coolen N, Wu Y, Thevenot G, Touqui L, Pruliere-Escabasse V, Papon J-F, Coste, A, Escudier E, Dusser DJ, Fajac I, Burgel, P-R
CFTR dysfunction induces vascular endothelial growth factor synthesis in airway epithelium
European Respiratory Journal 2013; 42: 1553 - 1562
Montiel-Gonzalez MF, Vallecillo-Viejo I, Yudowski GA, Rosenthal JJC
Correction of mutations within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by site-directed RNA editing
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 2013; 110: 18285 - 1829
Nadel Jay A.
The CFTR and EGFR relationship in airway vascular growth, and its importance in cystic fibrosis
European Respiratory Journal 2013; 42: 1545 - 1552
Odolczyk N, Fritsch J, Norez C, Servel N, da Cunha MF, Bitam S, Kupniewska A, Wiszniewski L, Colas J, Tarnowski K,
Discovery of novel potent Delta F508-CFTR correctors that target the nucleotide binding domain
Embo Molecular Medicine 2013; 5: 1484 - 1501
Rahman KS, Cui GY, Harvey SC, McCarty NA
Modeling the Conformational Changes Underlying Channel Opening in CFTR
Plos One 2013; 8: 9:e74574
Raju S. V, Jackson P L., Courville C A., McNicholas C M., Sloane PA., Sabbatini G, Tidwell S, Tang LP, Liu B, Fortenberry JA., Jones CW.,Boydston JA., Clancy JP., Bowen LE., Accurso FJ., Blalock J E, Dransfield MT.,Rowe, SM.
Cigarette Smoke Induces Systemic Defects in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Function
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2013; 188: 1321 - 1330
Ramachandran S, Karp PH, Osterhaus SR, Jiang P, Wohlford-Lenane C, Lennox KA, Jacobi AM, Praekh K, Rose SD, Behlke
Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Expression and Function by MicroRNAs
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 2013; 49: 544 - 551
Sosnay PR, Siklosi KR, Van Goor F, Kaniecki K, Yu HH, Sharma N, Ramalho AS, Amaral MD, Dorfman R, Zielenski J,
Defining the disease liability of variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene
Nature Genetics 2013; 45: 1160 - U292
Venerando A, Franchin C, Cant N, Cozza G, Pagano MA, Tosoni K, Al-Zahrani A, Arrigoni G, Ford RC, Mehta A, Pinna LA
Detection of Phospho- Sites Generated by Protein Kinase CK2 in CFTR: Mechanistic Aspects of Thr1471 Phosphorylation
Plos One 2013; 8: 9:e74232
Wine JJ, Char JE, Chen J, Cho HJ, Dunn C, Frisbee E, Joo NS, Milla C, Modlin SE, Park IH, Thomas EAC, Tran KV, Verma
In Vivo Readout of CFTR Function: Ratiometric Measurement of CFTR-Dependent Secretion by Individual, Identifiable Human Sweat
Plos One 2013; 8: 10:e77114
Yi S, Pierucci-Alves F, Schultz BD
Transforming growth factor-beta 1 impairs CFTR-mediated anion secretion across cultured porcine vas deferens epithelial monolayer via the p38 MAPK pathway
American Journal of Physiology-cell Physiology 2013; 305: C867 - C876
Doorn CS, De Boo DW, Weersink EJM, Delden OM, Reekers JA, van Lienden KP
Permanent Cortical Blindness After Bronchial Artery Embolization
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2013; 36: 1686 - 1689
Doull I
Cystic Fibrosis Papers of the Year 2012
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2013; 14:Supl1: 28 - 30
Galietta LJV
Managing the Underlying Cause of Cystic Fibrosis: A Future Role for Potentiators and Correctors
Pediatric Drugs 2013; 15: 393 - 402
Havermans T, Colpaert K, De Boeck K, Dupont L, Abbott J
Pain in CF: Review of the literature
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 423 - 430
Michl RK, Mentzel HJ, Gerber A, Beck JF, Mainz JG
A Patient Nicknamed 'Saline': Atypical Course with Cystic Fibrosis
Klinische Padiatrie 2013; 225: 288 - 289
Towle D, Callan DA, Farrel PA, Egan ME, Murray TS
Baby bottle steam sterilizers disinfect home nebulizers inoculated with bacterial respiratory pathogens
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 512 - 516
Wilder-Smith E. P.
Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms is due to vasoconstriction of palmar skin vasculature
Medical Hypotheses 2013; 81: 963 - 965
Blackman SM, Commander CW, Watson C, Arcara KM, Strug LJ, Stonebraker JR, Wright FA, Rommens JM, Sun L, Pace
Genetic Modifiers of Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes
Diabetes 2013; 62: 3627 - 3635
Bridges N
Diabetes in Cystic Fibrosis
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2013; 14:Supl1: 16 - 18
Hirsch Irl B., Janci Mary M., Goss Christopher H., Aitken Moira L.
Hypoglycemia in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis During Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing
Diabetes Care 2013; 20: 99A - 107A
Kern AS, Prestridge AL
Improving Screening for Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes at a Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Program
Pediatrics 2013; 132: E512 - E518
Konrad K, Scheuing N, Badenhoop K, Borkenstein MH, Gohlke B, Schofl C, Seufert J, Thon A, Holl RW
Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes compared with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults
Diabetes-metabolism Research and Reviews 2013; 29: 568 - 575
Monge ME, Perez JJ, Dwivedi P, Zhou MS, McCarty NA, Stecenko AA, Fernandez FM
Ion mobility and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry strategies for exhaled breath condensate glucose quantitation in cystic fibrosis
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2013; 27: 2263 - 2271
Neu A., Beyer P., Buerger-Buesing J., Danne T., Etspueler J., Heidtmann B., Holl R. W., Karges B., Kiess W., Knerr I., Kordonouri O. Lange, K.,Lepler R., Marg W.,Naeke A., Petersen M.,Podeswik, A.,Stachow, R.,von Sengbusch, S.,Wagner V.,Ziegler R.,Holterhus P.M.
Diagnosis, Treatment and Monitoring of Diabetes mellitus in Childhood and Adolescence
Diabetologie Und Stoffwechsel 2013; 8: S189 – S199
Valour F, Brault C, Abbas-Chorfa F, Martin C, Kessler L, Kanaan R, Mosnier-Pudar H, Coltey B, Nove-Josserand R, Durupt
Outcome of Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes Two Years after Lung Transplantation
Respiration 2013; 86: 32 - 38
Bronsveld I, Vermeulen F, Sands D, Leal T, Leonard A, Melotti P, Yaakov Y, de Nooijer R, De Boeck K, Sermet I, Wilschanski
Influence of perfusate temperature on nasal potential difference
European Respiratory Journal 2013; 42: 389 - 393
Paff T, van der Schee MP, Daniels JMA, Pals G, Postmus PE, Sterk PJ, Haarman EG
Exhaled molecular profiles in the assessment of cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 454 - 460
Valiulis A, Skurvydiene I, Miseviciene V, Kasnauskiene J, Vaideliene L, Utkus A
Relevance of Nasal Potential Difference in Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis Among Children
Medicina-Lithuania 2013; 49: 185 - 190
Wing D, Prausnitz MR, Buono MJ
Skin pretreatment with microneedles prior to pilocarpine iontophoresis increases sweat production
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 2013; 33: 436 - 440
Frentescu L, Budisan L, Benga G
Acta Endocrinologica-bucharest 2013; 9: 349 - 359
Krenkova P, Piskackova T, Holubova A, Balascakova M, Krulisova V, Camajova J, Turnovec M, Libik M, Norambuena P,
Distribution of CFTR mutations in the Czech population: Positive impact of integrated clinical and laboratory expertise, detection of novel/de novo alleles and relevance for related/derived populations
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2013; 12: 532 - 537
Fitzgerald NM, Fitzgerald DA, Lands L, Selvadurai H
Diffusion capacity in children: what happens with exercise?
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2013; 14:Supl1: 190 - 194
Happ MB, Hoffman LA, DiVirgilio D, Higgins LW, Orenstein DM
Parent and Child Perceptions of a Self-Regulated, Home-Based Exercise Program for Children With Cystic Fibrosis
Nursing Research 2013; 62: 305 - 314
Houston Brian W., Mills Nicola, Solis-Moya Arturo
Inspiratory muscle training for cystic fibrosis
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; 13:
Martin Clemence, Chapron Jeanne, Hubert Dominique, Kanaan Reem, Honore Isabelle, Paillasseur Jean-Louis, Aubourg
Prognostic value of six minute walk test in cystic fibrosis adults.
Respiratory Medicine 2013; 107: 1888 - 94
Ziegler B, Fernandes AK, Sanches PRS, Silva DP, Thome PRO, Dalcin PTR
Dyspnea perception in cystic fibrosis patients
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2013; 46: 897 - 903
Borowitz D, Gelfond D
Intestinal complications of cystic fibrosis
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2013; 19: 676 - 680
De Lisle RC, Borowitz D
The Cystic Fibrosis Intestine
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 2013; 3: 9;a009753
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