Updated 29 May 2020
The Preconference seminar chairs, Pavel Drevinek and Jane Davies, as well as the whole faculty kindly confirmed their participations for the session which will be postponed to 17 March 2021.
Antimicrobial Resistance
Preconference Seminar
The pre-conference meeting is a collaboration by the ECS, the national CF Patient Associations (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, UK)and CFE.
Jane Davies (UK)Pavel Drevinek (CZ)
Wednesday 17 March 2021
13:30 - 17:00
There is no additional registration fee for attendance at this Seminar, however, a special registration is required as attendance is limited to 50 participants.Should you wish to attend the Seminar please add a note about your participation in this Seminar in the ‘Additional Comments’ section of the Basic Science conference registration