Best Oral Presentation

Eyleen de Poel (NL)
University Medical Center Utrecht, NL

Abstract 87 - Genetic repair of CFTR function in cystic fibrosis organoids using CRISPR/Cas9 adenine base editing

Best Poster Presentation

Mehdi Badaoui (CH)

University of Geneva

Abstract 61: Involvement of the RhoGTPase activator Vav3 in the CF airway epithelium remodelling

NACFC Travel Grant

Presented by Bob Emmelkamp 

Margarida C. Quaresma 5PT)

BioISI - Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute, Lisbon

Abstract 35: Partial Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in CF: CF as an epithelial differentiation disorder

ECFS Young Fellows Travel Award

Saira Ahmad (US)
Afroditi Avgerinou (UK)
Sébastien Boutin (DE)
Jesse Brunsveld (NL)
Mégane Collobert (FR)
Eyleen de Poel (NL)
Martial Delion (BE)
Emese Tóth (HU)

Student Helper Award

Marjolein Ensinck (BE)
Samuel Lara-Reyna (UK)
Karen Mention (IE)
Margarida Quaresma (PT)

Free Registration Young Researchers

Supported by the Italian CF Research Foundation
Irene Brusa
Michele Genovese
Onofrio Laselva
Alessandra Murabito
Emanuela Pesce
Paolo Scudieri
Arianna Venturini

VLMC Travel Award

Pauline Bardin
Jeanne Bigot
Johanna Cormenier
Fanny Degrugillier
Ahmad Elbahnsi
Rosyne Lagrafeuille

Mukoviszidose eV Travel Award

Giovana B. Bampi
Roberta Benedetto
Pamela Millar Büchner
Madalena Pinto