Next Annual ECFS NSWG Meeting
The next Annual Meeting will take place on Wednesday 4th June 2025 in Milan, Italy.
The programme is available here
Book “Newborn Screening for CF”
Last year, the Working Group was asked to write a series of review articles on NBS for CF in collaboration with the International Journal of Newborn Screening (IJNS). We are happy that well-known authors contributed to this project to summarize the current knowledge of NBS for CF. All articles have been published and edited in a book.
The articles and the book are available here

Guidance on the management of children with CRMS/CFSPID
Members of the working group have also written an updated guidance on the management of children with CRMS/CFSPID and defined key outcomes to evaluate performance of NBS programmes for CF. Article
Defining key outcomes to evaluate performance of newborn screening programmes for cystic fibrosis
In the year 2021, members of the working group have defined key parameters to evaluate performance of NBS programmes, which should be used to compare the different programmes. Article
European survey of newborn bloodspot screening for CF: opportunity to address challenges and improve performance
Based on the previously published key parameters, members of the working group conducted a new survey in Europe and published the results. Article
Cystic Fibrosis Cases Missed by Newborn Bloodspot Screening — Towards a Consistent Definition and Data Acquisition
Based on the previously published European survey, the working group newly defined missed cases by NBS on the basis of various criteria. Article