08 March 2017
Abstract Submission
The abstract submission platform is now closed.
All abstract submitters who have been selected for an oral presentation have been notified.
They will have a 10 minutes slot in the session (7 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for discussion)
Categories for Abstract Submission
- Therapeutic Approaches
- Mucus & Mucins
- CFTR Structure
- Translational CF Research
- Model Systems
- Cell Physiology and Ion Transport
- CFTR Folding, Trafficking & Function
- Inflammation and Host Pathogen interaction
Categories for Abstract Submission
- Therapeutic Approaches
- Mucus & Mucins
- CFTR Structure
- Translational CF Research
- Model Systems
- Cell Physiology and Ion Transport
- CFTR Folding, Trafficking & Function
- Inflammation and Host Pathogen interaction
General Instructions
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Do not submit abstracts reporting data already published.
- Abstracts should be as informative as possible and should adequately describe the objectives, methods, and conclusions of the research.
- All accepted abstracts are to be presented in poster form. A limited number of accepted abstracts will also be selected by the Scientific Committee for oral presentation in the conference sessions. Instructions for poster and oral presentation will be included in the abstract notification to corresponding authors after the review process.
- Abstracts are to be submitted using the electronic on-line system – no other submission medium may be used. Abstracts sent by fax, post or email will not be accepted.
- The Travel Grants and support schemes are applicable for all the abstract categories. The Scientific Committee of the Conference will, as part of the abstract review process, select the abstracts they deem most worthy of these awards. For the application form for Travel Grants and Support - see under Travel Grants & Awards.
As part of the online submission process, corresponding authors are responsible for:
- Ensuring that all authors of a submitted abstract agreed to have the abstract submitted and published, if accepted.
- Acknowledging that the contents of the abstract have not been published prior to the date of submission.
- Understanding that accepted abstracts will be included in the Final Programme which will be published on the ECFS website.
Other Instructions
- Abstracts should not contain proprietary or confidential information.
- The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register for the Conference.
Online Abstract Submission
The electronic abstract submission and the review process have been designed to ensure that no one other than authorised reviewers and the ECFS Administration will have access to abstracts before the publication date. Each step of the online abstract submission process is accompanied with instructions. Please read these carefully as you navigate through the different steps.
- Corresponding Author: Corresponding authors are required to create a user account prior to submitting an abstract. Thereafter, a user name and password will be used for entering the system.
- Maximum Characters: The abstract body may be no longer than 500 words. The electronic system allows the submission of tables, however please be aware that each row of the table will be counted as 10 words against your 500 words total. The maximum number of tables allowed per abstract is 2. Images are not to be included but graphs, photos, etc. may be displayed on the corresponding poster at the Conference.
- Abstract Titles: Titles should be written in sentence case, i.e.: This abstract title is written in sentence case.
- Authors: Authors’ names are to be entered with a first name and second name and corresponding affiliation.
- Affiliations: The system will automatically add a subscript reference to the appropriate author.
- Spacing: The abstract body is to be single line spaced.
- Abbreviations: Standard abbreviations are acceptable. Any special abbreviations should be given in parenthesis after the first appearance of the full word or phrase for which it stands.
- The award recipients will be notified after the review process and prior to the early deadline for conference registration.
- Only completed, submitted abstracts will be eligible for review. Abstracts remaining in the system as “draft” after the submission deadline will be discarded.