Friday, March 20, 2020

Information related to the COVID-19 pandemic is evolving rapidly. At the moment, nobody knows how patients with CF will react to an infection with SARS-CoV2. However, patients with a known comorbidity are more at risk of a severe COVID-19 disease. It may thus be assumed that patients with CF are more at risk of a severe COVID-19 disease. As there is no known curative treatment yet to COVID-19, the main aim is to prevent the disease in patients with CF, i.e. strictly enforce public health measures (including social distancing, handwashing and respiratory etiquette) and conduct non-urgent visits to the hospital remotely as much as possible to assess clinical state and mental health.

More information on COVID-19 can be found on the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control website:

People with CF will find information on the CF Europe website,