ECFS President Elect
The President is the senior officer within the Society. He or she provides the leadership required to ensure that the society fulfils the mission statement: The European Cystic Fibrosis Society is an international community of scientific and clinical professionals committed to improving survival and quality of life for people with CF by promoting high quality research, education and care.
Dear Colleagues,
In our constitution, we have an election for a President Elect one year prior to the current President office. This enables smooth handover of one year. We have only one candidate for President Elect and subsequently President of the ECFS and that is Prof. Isabelle Fajac from the University of Paris Descartes.
You will, I anticipate, all know she is an internationally leading clinical scientist with a high level of experience in clincial trials and coordinates one of the biggest CF Center within Europe. Isabelle has put great effort in ECFS activities since many years. She served as director of the Clinical Trials Network and led it successfully through it first expansion. That way we could all experience her management skills as well as her work capacity and loyalty. Isabelle contributes to a wide range of activities in the ECFS and I am delighted that she is the candidate for President Elect.
In our constitution we do require to have a vote and in the interest of democracy, the Board has agreed that we should ask the members to support the proposal of Isabelle Fajac and endorse it. There is an opportunity if anyone wishes to express a NO vote to Isabelle in the voting system. It is very important for us in the Society that we clearly express our support for those elected and appointed to lead the society and I would be very grateful if you would take the time to express your opinion on Isabelle’ s application.
Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Kris De Boeck
ECFS President
Isabelle Fajac
Current ECFS Vice-President, Prof. Fajac is Pulmonologist and Professor in Physiology. She works at the adult CF centre in Cochin Hospital Paris, France. She was Director of the ECFS Clinical Trials Network from 2012 to 2014.